This contraption is based on 'Capability' Brown and Thomas Telford, this is referenced in the design of the Contraption. 
The contraption resemble a boat/like carriage shape. The contraption functions features and components relating to ploughs and harrows both of which I had seen during a visit to the park and also play the idea of a changing landscape. 
The Contraption plants Oak and Copper Beech Trees within the walled garden to relate to landscape that Capability Brown had made in 1765 -1766 as the existing trees are still present. The laboured performance of the contraption acts and nods towards the industry that was so present within that time period.  As well as marring two different classes together both the deathly and working class. Both are which were needed to create this stunning landscape. The design and aspects of contraption relates to parts of equipment that would of been used to create Weston Park and that of the surrounding Shropshire Landscape. A very much hard working landscape that is now rewarded with stunning views but not necessary taking into account the labour that created it. 
The work is both a celebration of the area and history and as well as testing the limitations of the material and man carrying out the work. Both Brown and Telford talked about how labour intensive their work was to make changes into a landscape, something that can be easily forgotten when enjoy or walking around Weston Park. 
A short trailer below give you an impression of the filmed. 
Photographs by Glen Stoker, Filmed by Andrew Branscombe and Glen Stoker. 
As the contraption fails and falls apart, the parts are collected and put back into the carriage/boat and later made into a bridge. One end of the bridge sits within the walled garden and the other within Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery. Thus bridge the spaces together as well as relating to Telford.

Photographs by Glen Stoker, Camera Crew Andrew Branscombe and Glen Stoker
Exhibition Photographs by Stephen 
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